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                Welcome to the official website of PTING! www.tribezaevents.com

                About PTING

                National High-Tech Enterprise
                A well-known domestic surface treatment and environmental protection equipment system solution brand

                About PTING

                ABOUT US



                Headquarters switchboard hotline:0574-86168681

                Global Investment Promotion Line:135-8686-7057


                Headquarter:No. 2, Jinhai North 3rd Road, Cixi Binhai Economic Development Zone, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province

                Beilun R&D Base:No. 21, Jiangjia'ao Industrial Zone, Xiaogang Street, Beilun District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province


                【PTING Profile】PTING Technology was founded in 2005. It is a well-known surface treatment and environmental protection equipment system solution brand in China. It is committed to the research and development and manufacturing of process technology and equipment in the field of industrial surface treatment and environmental treatment. It is the National Society for Corrosion and Protection and China Surface Engineering Association. , Member certification unit of Zhejiang Environmental Protection Association, the company has passed ISO9001 quality system certification. The R&D and manufacturing base covers an area of 25,000 square meters and is located in the Binhai Economic Development Zone of Cixi, Ningbo. With PTING global overseas center in Singapore and more than 20 offices nationwide, Paiting Technology has provided surface treatment equipment, environmental protection equipment and process technical services to more than 1,000 users around the world. The users are widely distributed in: home appliance manufacturing, digital electronics, Automobile and auto parts manufacturing, hardware sanitary ware, new materials, new energy, rail transit, aerospace, petrochemical power, marine engineering, heavy industry equipment, agricultural machinery, engineering machinery, furniture manufacturing, and other industries.

                【PTING technology R & D】PTING Technology is a national high-tech enterprise. The company has established a technological innovation platform within the company. It has long focused on the construction of technical teams and optimized the talent structure. The company’s average annual R&D investment accounts for more than 5%, and the average annual application for invention patents, industrial new patents, and software copyrights is 20 More than 10 items of registered brand trademarks. In the long-term research and development process, PTING Technology has innovated the cooperation mechanism of industry, university and research, and established good cooperative relations with many universities, research institutes and enterprises, and formed an enterprise-oriented, market-oriented, industry-university-research research institute. Integrated technological innovation system.

                【PTING Products】

                ·Surface treatment equipment:Intelligent sandblasting equipment、Shot blasting equipment、Painting equipment、Intelligent industrial control system and industrial robot

                ·Environmental treatment equipment:Smart filter cartridge dust collector、Bag filter、Wet dust collector、Cyclone、VOC treatment equipment

                ·Centrifugal fan equipment:Standardized centrifugal fan、Customized high temperature and high pressure centrifugal fan、Material conveying centrifugal fan、Special centrifugal fan

                Corporate vision:

                Become the world's excellent supplier of surface treatment and environmental protection equipment

                Our mission:

                Deeply understand customer needs, continue to innovate and develop, provide considerate services, and provide customers with value-added solutions

                Corporate values:

                Create a safe, healthy, energy-saving and efficient working environment to help customers develop and take care of employees’ health





                Manager Zhang

                Manager Qiu
