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                Welcome to the official website of PTING! www.tribezaevents.com
                Home>Intelligent sandblasting equipment > PTPF-Sandblasting room



                Headquarters switchboard hotline:0574-86168681

                Global Investment Promotion Line:135-8686-7057


                Headquarter:No. 2, Jinhai North 3rd Road, Cixi Binhai Economic Development Zone, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province

                Beilun R&D Base:No. 21, Jiangjia'ao Industrial Zone, Xiaogang Street, Beilun District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province

                PTPF-Sandblasting room

                Product description:

                Scope of application:

                Support hotline:0574-86168681 Sales line:13586867057

                Product parameter

                PTPF Standard Model Selection Table:

                Blasting room net size width 2400*length 6000*height 2400 mm
                Maximum processing size of workpiece Width 2000*Length 5000*Height 2000 mm
                Parameters of abrasive recovery system 200t/h, power: 5. 5kw, separator separation capacity: 200t/h, power: 5. 5kw
                Workpiece trolley parameters Customized according to user products
                Dust removal system parameters Flame-retardant filter cartridge, filter cartridge specification: 350*660mm, quantity 18, dust removal fan power: 15. Skw.
                Air consumption of equipment 15.2 m3/min, pressure: 0.7Mpa
                Total equipment power About 25kw
                Total device size 2400*9500*2400mm (L*W*H)
                Equipment options: A workpiece trolley/turntable B dust removal method dry/wet C abrasive recovery method wind power/mechanical D electrical explosion-proof

                *Parameter configuration is subject to modification without notice*

                User site

                Thank you for choosing Paiting Technology products! In addition to providing you with high-quality products, we pay more attention to sincere and good service. To build the best brand in the industry is the corporate purpose of Paiting. Service is the cornerstone of the brand. Therefore, to create a continuous, efficient, advanced and complete service system It is the permanent operating policy of Paiting Technology.

                Patient Technology's three-stage service plan for users:

                [Pre-sales]: According to the needs of users, provide professional pre-sale technical consultation for each user to help users analyze their needs and process conditions; Users design and select the most ideal equipment and process solutions;

                [Sale]: Develop the "Project Schedule" and "Sale Communication Memorandum" to maintain a high degree of closeness with users on equipment technology, design, manufacturing and installation matters The communication allows users to participate in the whole process and master real-time progress. Provide users with standardized and systematic professional technical training, popularize equipment and related process knowledge, conduct on-site operation demonstrations, provide maintenance common sense consultation, and provide one-stop services such as installation and commissioning;

                [After-sales]: Establish equipment use, maintenance files and after-sales service communication groups for each user to keep abreast of the user’s use status; provide product updates and functions Improved professional consulting services, equipped with professional after-sales service teams, regular return visits to new and old customers and equipment maintenance, and establishment of equipment spare parts warehouses to meet the timely needs of users to replace parts during maintenance.

                Product real shots

                The body structure and dimensions





                Manager Zhang

                Manager Qiu
