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                Welcome to the official website of PTING! www.tribezaevents.com


                Application examples of over 1,000 users worldwide
                Nearly 100 domestic and foreign listed companies have cooperated with



                Headquarters switchboard hotline:0574-86168681

                Global Investment Promotion Line:135-8686-7057


                Headquarter:No. 2, Jinhai North 3rd Road, Cixi Binhai Economic Development Zone, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province

                Beilun R&D Base:No. 21, Jiangjia'ao Industrial Zone, Xiaogang Street, Beilun District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province


                PTING Intelligent Sandblasting Machine - Sandblasting Solutions for Laptop Shells

                Category: Solution Release time:2022.03.28 News source: PTING  Visits:887

                        Notebook computers and PAD products, using metal casings, and sandblasting and oxidation technology for surface treatment have become the mainstream technology used by manufacturers in the industry. The lightweight metal material is used as the outer square meter of the notebook computer, and its protective performance, heat dissipation performance and high-end appearance and texture have outstanding advantages.

                Apple notebook shell sandblasting oxidation process

                Huawei notebook shell sandblasting oxidation process

                        Since 2017, Paine Technology has invested heavily in in-depth research and development and optimization of sandblasting process equipment for notebooks and 3C electronic products. At present, the rotary integrated sandblasting equipment developed by Paine Technology has applied for the first domestic equipment project, and the technical level of this equipment is internationally leading. Will be put into mass production on the market soon.

                PTING Technology invented the patented rotary die blasting technology

                Huawei notebook shell sandblasting live

                Laptop keyboard sandblasted

                Sandblasted notebook bottom plate

                Sandblasting RA and RPC values ??for notebook bottom plate

                Notebook bottom plate sandblasting abrasive microscopy

                The main process parameters of sandblasting of notebook shell

                1. Roughness range: Ra: 1.5-1.7um for front and back

                2. The allowable range of deformation and the detection method (see the D-piece SIP sandblasting inspection guide for details)

                3. Tolerance requirements ±1.5um (that is, based on the front side)

                4. Capacity 550-700 pieces/hour,

                5. Processing speed 1.1M/min

                6. Pressure 1.8±0.1

                Main technical parameters of equipment





                Manager Zhang

                Manager Qiu
