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                Headquarter:No. 2, Jinhai North 3rd Road, Cixi Binhai Economic Development Zone, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province

                Beilun R&D Base:No. 21, Jiangjia'ao Industrial Zone, Xiaogang Street, Beilun District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province


                The first phase of the basic principle of shot peening

                Classification:Process technology Release time:2021.09.24 News source:Web  Visits:1131

                Shot peening is a very important metal parts processing technology, which can effectively improve the fatigue life of the parts. The amount of information about shot blasting in today's society is very rich, but sometimes it may confuse people's sight, "One leaf is blind, but Taishan is not seen." This proverb means that if you pay too much attention to the details, you may not be able to grasp the general direction. This article mainly explains the content of Figure 1 in the form of six elements.

                    1. Parts, such as trailer leaf springs, when working Withstand the effect of cyclic load.

                    2. Cyclic load leads to corresponding cyclic stress.

                    3. If the stress is large enough and the cycle period is large enough , Cyclic stress can lead to fatigue failure. The stress of the part when the crack grows must be tensile stress.

                    4. Shot peening can effectively reduce fatigue failure Influence.

                    5. Shot peening introduces a layer on the surface of the part" "Miracle skin" has the effects of compressive stress and cold work hardening. The thickness of this "skin" depends on the peening strength.

                    6. The coverage is the effect of shot peening on the surface of the part One parameter. Coverage is the ratio of the area of ??the pit on the surface of the part to the surface area of ??the part.

                Whether the shot peening process is appropriate is determined by several factors, which can be determined from the figure Overview on 2.





                Manager Zhang

                Manager Qiu
